Greatest Paid Marketing Hacks to Amplify Your Brand’s Reach

An incredible amount of content is published every day on the web. 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created every day, and nearly 7 million blog posts get published each day. With so much content making its way to the internet every day, how can brands ensure that their content is seen by the audience they covet. Getting your website on the first page of a Google search is not an easy task. 90.63% of the content on the internet gets no traffic from Google.

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How Does Social Media Marketing Influences Consumer Behavior?

As of July 2021, there were 4.48 billion social media users worldwide. This means that nearly 57% of the global population uses social media. Clearly, social media has become a big part of people’s lives in recent times. Social media platforms are not just a means of staying in touch with friends, family, and colleagues; they have also become powerful digital marketing tools for creating brand awareness and customer engagement.

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How Your Company Image Affects Your Corporate Reputation

The two terms, company image and corporate reputation, are often used interchangeably. But there is a very fine line separating them that many organizations fail to realize. Though nearly the same, there is a minute difference between image and reputation. Your corporate image is how your brand makes people feel.

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The Definitive Corporate Reputation Management Guide

Corporate reputation is an amalgamation of so many things. On first thought, reputation management for a corporation may only seem like having a few good customer reviews and 5-star ratings. But when you go deeper into the realm of reputation management, you realize that there is much more to it. Your corporate reputation management plays a few very important roles for your business.

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How to Write a Press Release for a Company

Press releases are essential for getting all pertinent crucial information out to the public to know the latest news. Knowing how to write and execute a good press release is extremely important, and every marketer should know how to write an effective press release.

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7 Easy Ways Successful People Manage Their Professional Reputation

Looking to build your online reputation? Regardless of the industry, there are always conversations going on around your social media posts, blogs, products, research, or opinions. Executives, VIPs, and brands invest in building and sustaining their online reputation to gain control over the narratives, gain followers and build their personal brand. 

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How to Use Social Media Reputation Management to Build a Brand Image

Every business today understands the importance of social media as a marketing channel. Social media marketing has gained a place for itself with all the other digital marketing tactics that are widely used the world over to reach out to a targeted audience. But there is another role that social media can play in propagating your brand. That is through social media reputation management.

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