Bring people to your business instead of pushing your business to the people.
“Audiences everywhere are tough. They don’t have time to be bored or brow beaten by orthodox, old-fashioned advertising. We need to stop interrupting what people are interested in & be what people are interested in.”

As Craig Davis (CCO, JWT) explains, inbound marketing is the way to go in today’s changing marketing environment. Inbound marketing can be anything from blogs or online videos to SEO(Search engine optimization) and Social Media. Why is this better than my good-old fashion radio ad, you ask? Prepare to be convinced.

  1. The time on the internet is increasing. And increasing. The average US internet user spends about 32 hours a month of his spare time on the internet. A billion searches are done every day on Google, 131 billion searches are done on the internet every month as a total.
  2. Inbound marketing costs 61% LESS per lead than traditional, outbound marketing – it’s a lot more cost-effective.
  3. Where outbound marketing converts about 2% of your leads to actual consumers. SEO and direct website visits tend to convert about 15% of the time!
  4. Inbound marketing actually reaches people that want to hear your message, that are looking for something – they come to you.
  5. These people already know they need your service – The only thing you need to convince them of is that you are the right choice.
  6. Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Bing and Youtube are the 5 most visited internet pages. All of these can and should be utilized for inbound marketing.
  7. People spend about 50% of their time researching products or brands when they are making online buying decisions. 75% of these people do not scroll pas the first page of Google.
  8. 86% of people skip TV ads.

Alright, I’m convinced, but this doesn’t help me any further, where do I start?? Want us to do it for you? Contact us.

  • Attract traffic. Make sure your website is optimized for SEO (use our free website report) and has as much links as possible pointing to it – get it on page 1 of the search engines.Click here to find out more about SEO or like our Facebook for some useful articles on it!
  • Convert visitors to leads and convert leads to sales. Make sure that website looks awesome – include call to actions so people actually decide to buy from your site or give you that phone call. We offer a free website report on our Facebook page – click here to check it out.
  • Turn customers into repeat higher margin customers. Connect with your customers through Social Media and email – make them tell their friends and stay in touch with you.
  • Analyze for continuous improvement. Improve what’s working for you, change what’s not. We’ve seen many businesses on page 1 of Google with the wrong terms – meaning the people that visit your site were not looking for your service.

I hope you learned something that you can apply to your business. If you have any questions, please send me an email at I answer all emails!