Video marketing is a rapidly developing field with video analytics showing that video marketing has been growing in popularity for quite some time. 2021 video marketing statistics show that by 2022, 82% of the global internet traffic will come from streaming videos and downloads, and this rate will only continue to climb as a result of video’s popularity and capability for targeted advertisement.

You already know video marketing is important, but how do you get started? Think of this article as video marketing 101, in which we will walk you through a step-by-step video marketing guide, from coming up with video ideas to promoting video content.

Step 1: Determine the Video Style You Want to Produce

Before you make video marketing, you need to think about what kind of video content you want to produce. Video content should be focused on your business (obviously!), but there are many different types of video content you can create, depending on your product or service. If you own a clothing store, video content could include video ads of the most recently released garments, video tutorials on how to wear new styles in creative ways, or video interviews with A-list celebrities who are seen wearing your branded clothing.

Also, consider the format of your videos and whether you should optimize them for a PC or a mobile device. Statistics show that more than 75% of all videos are played on mobile devices and that 75% of viewers prefer watching a video horizontally as compared to 25% who prefer watching it vertically.

Step 2: Research Strategies & Plan

Once you’ve determined video content that is right for your business, it’s time to look into video marketing strategies. Think about video ideas that match what you want to produce, and search online video marketing platforms like YouTube or Vimeo for video marketing success stories!

Take notes on how video marketers are promoting their videos so you can mimic successful video marketing strategies. Pay attention to social media trends, and make sure to continuously update your strategies to include them. This is how you can attract a large audience, rather than a small, niche demographic.

Step 3: Utilize video software & platforms

Be sure to research video software so that video editing can be quick and efficient with professional results. Top leaders in editing software include Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro X, and Sony Vegas. Make sure to choose the right program that best suits your business’s needs, whether that is a light and portable software for on-the-go edits or a powerful one for lengthy content.

Upload video marketing content to video platforms like YouTube or Vimeo in order to reach a larger audience. Be sure to look into the user base of each social media site and check that they align with those of your business before you invest time and money into them. Consider also, the general popularity of social media sites. According to Oberlo, YouTube [88%] is the most popular platform among marketers for sharing videos, followed by Facebook [76%], LinkedIn [66%], and Instagram [65%].

Step 4: Analyze & Evaluate

Companies that use advanced analytics to measure the performance of their videos are more likely to increase their video budgets this year. Evaluate video reach and engagement through methods such as Youtube Analytics, and compare video views to video likes, comments, and shares. These video metrics will tell you what viewers thought of video content and allow you to make video edits based on video analytics.

Ditch video content that isn’t performing well, and pump video production and promotion towards video content that is actually successful. Continue to edit video marketing content based on your video analytics, and you’ll be sure to see video marketing success in no time!

That was quite a video marketing journey, wasn’t it? Hopefully, this video marketing guide has helped you understand that video marketing is an extremely easy and rewarding way to maximize your marketing strategy. If you’re interested in learning more, or if you need help making your video more successful, contact us at Paton Marketing! We understand video content inside and out and can help maximize your video marketing strategy.