In the current climate of publishing content, submitting the content for your viewers isn’t enough to generate revenue. You need to be willing to do whatever it takes to get great content in front of your audience.

One effective way to repurpose your content is by putting it on other platforms such as social media or other marketing platforms. 

Your website might be capable of generating decent traffic on its own, but that doesn’t mean you are utilizing your content marketing potential. Some other websites are typical hangout spots for your ideal customers who are not fully aware of your brand.

If you can catch people’s attention on these kinds of websites, you can get them inside your funnel and enhance your marketing strategies.

The best part is that you don’t need to publish extra content or even create blogs from scratch. You’ll just need to finetune some elements here and there to tailor your evergreen content, as per the requirements of the other platforms, and you are set to scale this traffic.

With all of this in mind. Do you want to know the one reason why marketers are reluctant to repurpose their content? Because they don’t want to get hit with duplicate content penalties by search engines like Google.

In 2013, Matt Cutts said that around 25-30% of the content (whether it be blog posts or white papers, or social media shares) on the web is duplicate or repetitive. And it’s grouped into clusters by the search engine. It isn’t considered spam.

Technically speaking, there is no such thing as a duplicate content penalty. Google and other engines reserve the right to penalize your website only if you’re blatantly copying someone else’s content.

The point of repurposing your content in the first place is to increase awareness of your brand. And no. You won’t violate Google’s guidelines by following this formula.

Now, when you are all set to repurpose your content, don’t only focus on the written pieces. Blogs can be converted into infographics or educational videos, depending on what you’re trying to accomplish.

In certain situations, your article or blog post on a third-party website has a good chance of beating the original version of that blog post hosted on your website on your results page.

So, ensure that your article or blog post gets indexed by submitting your URL through a console. Only then repurpose content on other platforms.

Now that we’ve covered the basics of repurposing your content let’s take a look at some steps you can take to make it happen.

Look At Your Content To See What’s Worth Re-Publishing

All of your pieces of content won’t receive the same kind of attention from your target audience. You might end up getting a high amount of viewership on a blog post that you didn’t think would perform as well.

Your most popular blog posts have the best chance of succeeding and resonating with more members of your audience.

If you can find a series of blog posts that generate traffic for your site, you should consider bundling these blog posts into an eBook or make a white paper from all of the info you’ve gathered.

Identify The Most Appropriate Platform To Publish Your Content

Once you have created a list of your most popular evergreen content pieces and blog posts, it’s time to determine a suitable platform for republishing.

What may work for one person might not be sufficient for you and your company. Talk to others and do some research to see what platform will generate the most traction for your business.

Give The Repurposed Marketing Some Tweaks

You can republish content on any of these platforms to get as many eyeballs on this as you can.

However, since many of these platforms already publish a plethora of content daily, you’ll need to step outside the box to stand out.

As an example, Matthew Barby got on the front page of BuzzFeed with one of his repurposed recipes.

That’s because he performed paid social advertising on Facebook, Stumbleupon, Reddit, and Twitter. It couldn’t hurt to utilize these same tactics for your situation as well.

All in all, the initial traction will help you land in front of the editors for these websites. If they pick up your repurposed piece to appear on their top stories of the day (or, better yet, the homepage), then you’ll be in a great situation in terms of visibility and awareness.

Refurbishing Your Older Posts

To start, you might want to think of the target keywords for ranking pages. If you can replace the main keyword with a more powerful one in your older articles, it’s possible to bring in new traffic organically.

Reflecting and Using These Tactics

If you feel convinced that you have all of the tools needed to repurpose your older pieces of content, don’t waste any more time and get started asap.

It’s one thing to repurpose your content, but if you aren’t doing enough to leverage it for your business, you’re wasting valuable resources and time. Maximize the number of resources that are available to you and make the most of it.

Digital Marketing gurus like Neil Patel and Gary V are good resources to model your business schemes around. They are well-versed in every service that pertains to digital marketing, and their knowledge is unmatched.

Besides listening to the experts, you also coordinate with local digital marketing firms like Paton Marketing, based out of South Florida.

They can tailor advice based on your individual goals, metrics, and desires and produce the best outcomes for your business.

Don’t push these resources to the wayside, and contact your local marketing agencies to see what you need to do to increase brand awareness, visibility and incur more revenue in the process!