Something that many of us seem to overlook is the fact that existing content on your website can continue to serve you in more ways than one.

Typically speaking, after we create and publish the content, we almost forget that it exists because we’re only focused on moving forward, and not dwelling on the past. However, older content can be just as formidable and reliable as your new pieces of content. Don’t count it out just yet. Not until you are fully aware of all of the benefits that come when you are monetizing it for your brand.

We’re going to be looking at all of the incentives that come with repurposing and monetizing your old content and why it’s necessary to do it in the first place. Follow these steps, and you are sure to impress new and current consumers with your dedication to revamping your strategies.

Looking At Your Old Content

Before we discuss the methods of repurposing your content, it’s important to go back and update the existing pieces of content that are still generating a plethora of traffic for your website.

Once you have located the blogs, see if you can optimize with the appropriate keywords, headings, sub-headings, and CTAs, to name a few. Keep reading below to better understand the steps you need to take to make this happen for your company’s reputation.

Promoting Products

If you have products that you have made or closely affiliated with, you can promote them when they pertain to the audience that has the pleasure of reading your posts.

Incorporate a call to action, attach a link, and let your sales page do the rest of the work for you. Additionally, you can offer a content upgrade that requires them to join the email list that you’re using to promote some of your products.

Product promotion will never cease to exist in terms of its relevancy to your content strategies. E-commerce products are a prime example of maximizing content and incentivizing it with physical products and services.

Offer Services

Even if you don’t want to offer services or provide coaching, you can outsource this or use a corresponding link for this well.


There is a portion of your audience that even with all the directions and instructions you are giving them, they don’t want to do it. Regardless of what it could be.

If you have the ability to offer a done for your version, coaching, or other paid services, some of them will take a leap of faith and give you the benefit of the doubt.

Turn Your Content Into an Educational Course

If writing comes naturally to you, you may have a wide variety of old content at your disposal. Maybe, the next step is turning your love for writing into an educational course for others.

Well, fear not. You no longer have to exclusively use what you have readily available to you. You can easily break down an old blog post, outline it, and use each piece as its own learning module to create revenue.

Continuing education is important in many fields and sectors of business. Most of it comes from a foundation that has already been in place, and the rest comes from building upon that foundation.

Once that is complete, you can then publish the content on a platform like Teachable and charge for it. To make a course, you will need the following:

  • An interesting topic: The difference between a blog and an educational course is you have to be more specific as to what the key takeaways will be for the audience.
  • Create an Outline: Unlike a blog, your student needs to have a clear path with a lot of guidance.
  • Create Visual Content: You will need to turn your blog into a presentation.
  • Dive Deeper and Don’t Make Copies: Your course goal should be to dive deeper into the topic you are discussing in your blog posts. Because of this, you don’t need to simply offer the same content from another medium. Your blog and course should not have the student receiving the exact same information. Instead, it should make the student feel like they went on a journey while experiencing the education you provided for them.

Create An E-Book

Putting together a bunch of your articles into a singular unit that you can then self-publish online is a fool-proof method to monetize your older pieces of content.

Just be sure to offer more incentives to those who are buying the e-book, Whether it’s extra content or discounts on your other products and services. This will make them feel special and will help to maximize your sales in a sizable manner.

Converting Text Into Videos and Podcasts

While text used to be a force multiplier on the internet back in the day, now it’s got plenty of competition from more material that is more visually enticing, that’s a better fit for this current era of young people with short attention spans.

With that being said, rather than simply forsaking your text-based posts, try converting them into videos, infographics, or podcasts and repost them.

You’ll be surprised to see just how many new people will be in tune with these kinds of posts, especially from younger generations.

If you’re not quite sure how to go about things, don’t hesitate to enlist the services of a professional who can help you with converting these.

Syndicating The Content

An absolute must for long-time content creators and for the new people is syndication. Syndication allows you to repost a particular piece of content through a variety of channels, which include venues such as Medium and Business Insider.

However, those places aren’t always easy to get into, but it’s possible to find many smaller sites that will take your older posts and you can work your way up from that point.

Be sure you link back to your original article using a canonical tag, and watch as new readers and customers come pouring back into your website for the foreseeable future.