Every day, more and more people are investing in video marketing. Therefore, understanding the importance of video marketing can be very helpful for any business owner.

Here are 11 reasons why video marketing is important:

1. Video Marketing Gives You Instant Credibility

Generally speaking, video is one of the most powerful tools in a marketer’s arsenal because it gives you instant credibility — something that usually takes years to establish. When people watch videos, they know that there is a live person on the other side of the screen who cares about them, their business, and what they are doing.

2. Video Marketing Gives You Reach

Video marketing is probably one of the most powerful tools available to you because it allows you to reach an endless number of people worldwide with the click of a button — something that was not possible 20 years ago without spending thousands on TV ads, for example. With video, there are no limits.

3. Video Marketing Increases Traffic

Imagine that somebody is looking for a product like yours, and they happen across your video on YouTube or another social media platform. They might not know what you sell until the end of the video, but they will likely visit your website after watching.

4. Video Marketing Increases Engagement

When you create and upload videos on YouTube or your website, those videos become a magnet for those who are interested in what you have to offer. Many video hosts and social media sites, like YouTube or Instagram Reels, provide options to engage through likes, comments, shares, and more!

5. Video Marketing Gives Your Customers a Personal Connection

Video marketing enables you to break through the noise and provide your customers with a personal connection with you, which is often far more valuable for your business than the opposite. Video allows you to showcase your personality and have conversations with your customers, which can be highly influential as far as building customer loyalty.

6. Video Marketing Increases Your Sales Conversions

In the world of business, conversion is extremely important and video marketing can be highly influential as it relates to increasing your sales conversions both online and offline. For example, by including a video on your website’s landing page, you can increase conversion rates by as much as 80%!

7. Video Marketing Increases Your Brand Recognition

Video is extremely effective as far as brand recognition goes and is also helpful when it comes to differentiating your brand from the competition. A video can be shared quickly and easily, which means that if you have a loyal following, they will go ahead and spread your message for you with each view, share, or like.

8. Video Marketing Helps You Rank Higher in Search

By having a video on your website or blog and using alt tags, titles, and descriptions, you increase the chances that people will find your videos on Google and thus raise your rankings. In fact, Lemonlight had found that they “typically see boosts in organic traffic ranging from 10% to a whopping 250%” when they add video content to their posts.

9. Video Marketing Simplifies Your Content

If you have a lot of information to share, video can be a lifesaver, as it helps people digest large chunks of information quickly and at their convenience, which will appeal to many audiences more than written content. When it comes to a preference for reading a product or watching a video, more than 66% of users say they prefer watching a video.

10. Video Marketing Is Easy to Measure

All you have to do is use YouTube Analytics (or other similar tools) to help you figure out the demographics of your viewers, how they found your videos, in addition to a whole bunch of other metrics. You’ll be able to see how many views your video is getting and where those views are coming from, allowing you to make the necessary adjustments as far as keywords and content go to ensure that you continue on track with your growth and success.

11. Video Marketing is Cost-Effective

Last but not least, video marketing is cost-effective — you don’t need a huge budget to get started, and the return on investment can be highly desirable considering how affordable it is.

So, there you have it — 11 reasons why video marketing is important.

If you’d like to learn more about video marketing, its importance, and how you can start using it to grow your business, schedule a meeting with us here at Paton Marketing and start taking advantage of our video marketing services today!