Every day, marketers are expected to create fresh content for their websites.

While the Internet has transformed into a limitless repository of information, all that data can be overwhelming and it can be difficult to cut through the white noise to get your message across.

Do you feel like this is all too much? You’re not alone.

There are many marketers out there who want to create great content but struggle with what, when, and how to publish it—not to mention how to keep it from disappearing into the abyss of the Internet.

According to Tech Jury, in 2020, Twitter users alone were sending 50,000 tweets per day.

Let’s talk about how you can take control and discover your voice as a content marketer so you can start producing killer content that actually gets read.

These are the top 9 content marketing problems that brands face today and how to overcome them.

1) Content is focused on the company, rather than the customer

Many inbound marketers find themselves creating content that focuses too much on their own products or services. And because they are so close to what they do, it can be hard for them to see when this happens.


How to overcome it:

If you want to create customer-centric content, you need to put yourself in your customers’ shoes. Ask yourself:

  • Is my content relevant and valuable to my target audience?
  • Is my content inspiring and engaging?
  • Is my content easy to find, understand, and use?

Once you have the answers to these questions, you will be able to solve the areas you are lacking in. If your content is not adding value to your customers’ day, write about something that will. If your content is not easy to understand, make sure you explain yourself clearly and avoid using industry jargon.

2) Content stays hidden from search engines

Even with amazing SEO strategies, there is no guarantee that anyone will find your content.

This is especially true if you aren’t sharing the content on social media, which is another important channel for promoting content. Plus, Google’s algorithm updates have made it more challenging to attract search traffic.

How to overcome it:

The best way to overcome this struggle is to consistently create high-quality content and share it on social media so that people will find it organically. Additionally, you can work with professionals in Miami to create a strategy for content marketing, to produce consistent SEO-tailored content. The more you post, the better your chances of ranking for the keywords that matter.

3) Creating content that stands out

Many brands produce blog posts or white papers on topics related to their industry. However, if everyone is producing the same type of content, it makes it more difficult for your message to stand out from the crowd.

How to overcome it:

Creative and unique content can be one of the biggest content challenges, but there are a few different ways to come up with lots of unique ideas:

  • Try repurposing or repackaging other people’s content by transforming it into something different, such as an infographic.
  • Re-use your old content with a new spin; find ways to expand and update older
  • Surround yourself with different types of people. You never know when you might come up with a unique idea from someone who has a different way of looking at things.
  • Build an army of idea generators (employees, partners, or customers) and ask them what they think about specific topics.

4) Creating consistent content across multiple platforms

With the number of social media platforms out there, creating content that gets noticed can be challenging. 

How to overcome it:

You need to keep in mind that images and videos (among other things) are more likely to get shared on social media, so it’s important to map out a strategy that includes this before you start publishing content. This content marketing solution should include creating a calendar with posts planned at least once a week on every social media account. This will help you post at optimal times and on the right platforms. 

5) Limited resources

Many businesses don’t have a lot of extra resources to dedicate to content creation and marketing. This is why marketers need to produce high-quality work with minimal resources.

How to overcome it:

When you are looking at your strategy, you need to ask yourself if everything is necessary. What can you do without? Break up your list into three categories: must-have, should have, and would like to have. Then prioritize the items that need to be done and focus on those.

You can also try outsourcing your content creation to a freelancer or content marketing firm that has the manpower to keep up with your content calendar, like Paton Marketing’s content marketing in Miami.

6) Creating quality content

If you are overwhelmed with creating all of your content, many of your posts will likely end up being mediocre. This is the key reason why so many brands fall behind on their content marketing strategy.

How to overcome it:

There are a few things to keep in mind when trying to find the right balance between speed and quality for your writing. First, learn how to write faster without sacrificing quality by using a tool like Grammarly to proofread. Second, avoid creating content while you are overwhelmed or sick because the quality will suffer. And third, have a writing schedule so you can pace yourself and keep up with your deadlines.

7) Not knowing what is working and what isn’t

Many marketers invest in blog posts or other types of content without seeing results from these efforts. Without tracking and monitoring, it’s difficult to determine what you should stop doing and what you should start doing.

How to overcome it:

A content marketing solution for this is to set goals for your content marketing strategy before you publish anything. The more specific, the better. You can then track all of your marketing campaigns in Google Analytics using several metrics: sessions, bounce rate, page views per session, average time on site, conversions (if you are running PPC or display ads), and sources.

8) Sharing the same information over and over again

This is a really big content marketing problem. If your blog posts aren’t bringing in traffic or people aren’t sharing your content on social media, it’s time for a new approach. You need to be creative with each piece of content you publish, which includes the headlines.

How to overcome it:

One way to solve this problem is to keep up with news and trends related to your topics. If you are a lawyer and you see a news story about an interesting divorce case, find a way to mention that in your content. If you stay on top of new developments like this, you will always be able to create new content.

9) Not using visuals

Adding photos, images, and videos can help your content stand out. Plus, visuals are processed 60,000 times faster than text by the brain, which means you don’t want to miss out on that opportunity.

How to overcome it:

By using a tool like Canva, you can create stunning images for free to use on social media. You can also look into different video tools to help you get started with video creation.


Using a content marketing medium is a great tool to engage your audience. However, if you are not producing the right type of content at the right frequency, it’s likely that many of your posts will go unnoticed. By overcoming these common content challenges with quality work and consistent posts, you will begin seeing results fast.

Paton Marketing is a full-service marketing agency that is committed to helping businesses grow. Whether you are looking for strategic marketing planning services or need help with PPC, SEO, social media, or website design – we can handle it all.

For more information about our content marketing services and how we work with businesses of all sizes from around the world, contact us today.